Welcome to our farm and to our private buying club. We’re honored to have the opportunity to supply you with nutrient-dense food, from our healthy soils and healthy animals.
At Prairie Foods, we are committed to providing you with the healthiest, most nutritionally-dense food possible. We believe the key to this lies in the health of our soils and in the welfare of our animals.
We take the utmost care and pride in providing our animals with fresh air, sunlight, and a healthy diet. Our animals are fed on pasture from soils that are healthy, full of life, and constantly being regenerated by our animals in an all-natural way. We believe that this is the way God intended our ecosystem to function.
We bring you these products in hope that they will improve your life and health - so you can eat the food you love, with the peace of mind that these foods come from our farm - straight to your table. Our foods have no added hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, or preservatives, and our animals are free of vaccines and wormers.
We strive to keep our products as convenient and affordable as possible. Please do try some today!
We welcome you to come and visit our farm, and we love to hear from our members! We also invite you to give us your feedback on improvements for our foods. You may email us at prairiefoodsfarms@proton.me with any comments, questions, or concerns.
Thank you for choosing Prairie Foods. Your purchase could help change the world.
- Dan & Lydia Allgyer
Prairie Foods.
When most people picture a prairie, they think of wide open spaces and the Midwest. Even though we are in the middle of the Appalachian mountains in Pennsylvania, we have named our brand after a prairie. Why? Well, we wanted a name that really means "healthy soil".
It is a matter of fact that, before man mined the prairies of their organic matter, these prairies were one of the healthiest ecosystems in the world. The prairie was built over hundreds of years - by animals (buffalo, mostly), gathered together by the thousands, grazing the tall grasses and trampling what they did not eat. These animals were always on the move, herded forward by the pursuit of their natural predators.
On our farms, we use similar techniques of animals "mob" grazing and trampling. We mimic the impact of the huge herds of bison - those that once roamed the prairies and built those rich soils. To get the same results, we gather our animals in tight groups and move them across our farms. They are motivated by the fresh salad bar that is provided by them daily.
It is our hope that we can use animals to build our soils to the level of richness that the prairie once offered. In light of this goal, we have adopted the name "Prairie Foods".
Prairie Foods is owned by Daniel & Lydia Allgyer and family.
We started farming regeneratively after having health issues in the family, and after seeing multiple doctors with no results. We came to realize that the only way to be truly healthy was to begin with our diet.
With this in mind, we began sourcing our food from healthy soils, and we had amazing results!
We also began to understand that a lot of what we were growing on our farm was not only killing our soil, but was also creating sickness for those eating the foods grown in those soils.
In 2017, we began a new journey. We installed a great deal of fencing, and we brought animals back on the land. Two changes then occurred - our soil health improved, and our health issues began to diminish!
We have since gone a long way in healing our soil and bringing it back to life. Though we don't yet have the dark, rich, high-organic-matter soil that once formed this country (before man mined the soil), we have headed in that direction. We plan to continue improving our soil in the years to come.
It was with these results - and a desire to help people with similar problems - that our passion for growing good food and building healthy soil developed. And so, we founded Prairie Foods.
As we on our own were unable to produce, process, and market all the product we wanted to offer, we decided to team up with like-minded farmers. Together, we grow and raise these foods. As we have gathered more minds and hands to the table, we have all become stronger.
All food in this private buying club is produced by "plain sect" (Amish and Mennonite) farmers who value a simple lifestyle. We all love to farm - because of the connection it brings to our Creator, and because of the lifestyle it provides for our families. We love working with our families on the land, and we love raising our animals in an all-natural, healthy environment. We are happy that our animals and land are all free from pesticides, herbicides, vaccines, wormers, growth hormones, and GMOs.
We are very passionate about creating healthy soils. The result is that our products are not only nutritionally dense, but also provide us with the best of health.
We know that healthy, happy animals provide the best-tasting products, and we want to provide the best for our customers and their families. We also want our customers to enjoy the food they love, knowing that it is safe for both themselves, and for their children.
Prairie Foods' Mission
- Help farmers grow regenerative nutritionally dense products by providing information and marketing solutions for food that consumers can trust is safe for them and their families.
Prairie Foods’ Vision
- Provide a market for farmers growing regenerative products.
- Provide a place for consumers to purchase safe, healthy, and nutritionally-dense food.
- Provide information and support to farmers who want to grow these products.
- Be profitable, regenerative, and provide a healthy, happy lifestyle for all parties involved.
- Constantly seek customer feedback. to explore ways to improve our products and services.