Farm News: Fall 2022
Note: This News Update was written in September 2022 for the paper newsletter which Dan Allgyer prints for a select group of Prairie Foods local customers. It has been adapted for online readership.
Greeting to everyone from Prairie Foods! We hope that this will find everyone one in good health - and if not, let’s try to praise the Lord for what we have, even if it’s not always the way we wish it would be.
In these newsletters, we try to provide info that we hope will help you to stay in good health, or return to good health. We believe that if the body is in good health, the mind and the spirit will be in better condition to do the work of the Lord. However, we do not believe that contentment comes from good health, or any other earthly possession. We believe it comes only from the peace of God. It is our understanding that as long as we live in this sinful, fallen world, we will have sickness among us - and we think that's ok. It’s not being healthy that matters to us. What matters to us is being contented with whatever state we are in, and having peace in our hearts.
All the signs of nature are telling us that fall is here and that winter is just around the corner. We are having a very abundant fall, after a rather dry summer. We had a two month drought and ended up feeding some hay to our herd for a month to get us through. But recently, rain and warm weather has been abundant, and we expect to be grazing until some time in November.
With the rising prices of food, it seems like more and more people are returning to local farmers for beef. We are booked out three months on fat cattle and are very thankful for the strong demand. If all goes as planned, we hope to almost double our production next year to try to keep up with demand. Sales on the website are also continuing to climb. Right now we are putting a lot of focus on trying to get more dairy products available to our members. We hope to get dairy to a scalable amount by spring. We then plan to add a farmer who will focus on dairy, since dairy is very time consuming and will be more than we can do on our own.
We have also put some thought and talk into doing a weekly door to door delivery service with dairy for our local customers. Maybe a little feedback would be good from you local guys.
By the time you will be reading this, we will have had the next generation health seminar. We are doing this as outreach to the community, not to try sell something or to convince anyone of anything, but rather to try to provide you with info that we hope will help and bless your life. We also host this seminar as an effort to protect our children. If we can help heal one sick child, it will be worth every bit of the effort and money we spent.
If you were not able to attend, Michelle will also be speaking at Family Days on the farm in Lancaster next July 2023. That will be a great Friday night and Saturday event which we are sure you will find packed with all kinds of information. If you’re unfamiliar with our Family Days and would like to know more, call the recording listed in this letter to hear all that was covered this year - and better, yet plan to attend in person next year. I will say it was one of the most enjoyable and informative thing we did this summer.
God bless,