Health Facts: Fall 2021

It is natural to be healthy. It is only when certain parts of the body fail to function naturally that sickness occurs. The causes may be from bacteria and viruses, toxins or may even be psychosomatic. Bacteria and viruses are always present in our bodies, but they are kept in check as long as our bodies function naturally. Toxins are continually clogging our organs, but as long as we function naturally, the chemicals produced by our body will neutralize these toxins. Our brain is continually stressed, but again if nature runs its course we will be adequately revived after sleep and rest.

We are alive because life force energy is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras and meridians. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura.

Life force energy nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force energy is disrupted it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body. When disease causing microorganisms attack certain parts of the body, reserve energy is channeled to meet these attacks. But if the meridians are blocked then the flow of reserve energy is hindered and illness results. A lot of things come into play here that could cause a blockage; past injuries that never healed correctly, stress, and grief are big ones.

Negative thoughts or feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force energy. Those are the big ones that most people are aware of, but the biggest one of all that nobody seems to know and doctors don't even talk about, is food. And when they do talk about food, no distinction is made between food coming from healthy soils or just food. Everyone seems to recognize organic is healthy and whole foods are better than processed foods; vegetables are better than donuts; but that’s about as far as it goes.

That's all true but only a small part of the picture. I will say it in plain words. If the soil that your food came from is not healthy, neither will the food that comes from it be healthy, even if it is vegetables. And if this is put into your body, day after day, it will with time have a negative effect on your life flowing energy and then certain parts of your body or organs will start to dysfunction. This is the beginning of what usually leads to cancer and or all other ailments. New research is being done that shows all illness starts in the gut. The gut microbial life is the start of the life flowing energy. Different people end up with different diseases or sicknesses, but the underlying problem of them all start in the gut which basically means it starts with what we eat

For a very detailed explanation of how it works, read the book WHAT'S MAKING OUR CHILDREN SICK by Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams. It is available from Acres USA (800) 355-5313- or contact us and we will get it to you. What you eat also affects your epigenetics, which play a role on the genes that are expressed in your children. A lot of the negative effects of the food we eat nowadays isn't going to show up until the next generation. GMOs, for example, have only been around for 15 year,s, and the effects of them are still to be seen. They have never been tested accurately, same as glyphosate and a lot of other chemicals that go into our food production.

The great debate is still being held if they are actually safe or not. I really don't know, but what I do know is a lot of negative results are being seen, since we have them in our food system and it is totally unnecessary to use them to grow food. The only testing that is done on these products before they are deemed safe for humans, is done by the company that makes them. Do you think they really care about your health or do you think they see the dollar signs when they are testing these products?

Most of the foods being consumed are either grains or come from animals that ate grains which causes an imbalance in omega 6 and omega 3 which causes inflammatory disruption in your energy flow and a lot of time ends up affecting the organs. The brain by the way is an organ,ever wonder why we have so many mental ill and depressed peaple around us?

Grains are really money makers for the big companies. They get to sell you the seed, then the fertilizer, then the herbicides and insecticides to keep it alive. At a very high cost to the environment and the health of the people, so they have most farmers and consumers thinking that’s just the way we have to grow food. Now I'm not totally against all grains; they certainly have a place in our food system. But, money talks. You would think if our health problems are as easy as food we would hear more about it. After all, we live in about the highest educated country in the world. This is what happens: most farmers don't market their own food and Walmart or whoever doesn't care, they just want cheap food. Doctors can't sell food. When I say doctors, I mean all healthcare practitioners and or health clinics. What they can sell is supplements. It’s easy and a lot of times effective which raises a lot of awareness and research in that field, so food totally gets missed. We keep taking supplements and eating bad food without realizing what's happening. Mostly because that's where the money is.

Now I'm not totally against supplements either, if you body is toxic loaded or way out of balance you need to do something besides food to bring it around, but it should not be a daily thing.

Also most consumers don't want to change their eating habits and will be a lot happier with a pill to swallow. For some reason a lot of consumers are very conscious of what they spend on food but don't care what a supplement will cost as long as it helps them feel good.

I'm sorry for all the negative information. I just don't know how else to say the truth. Don't feel doomed, the sky is the limit. Go talk with your farmer or better yet, grow it yourself . Surround yourself with like minded people, it can be a fun, exciting journey. You don't have to change in one day, start by taking baby steps. For more info on the subject join Weston A. Price Foundation at (202) 363-4394 or contact us and let us know what it is you want to know more about and we will send you a book on the subject. Acres USA is also a very good source of info at (800) 355-5313.

If you know of a good source of information or a certain point we're missing we would be glad to hear it and have that discussion.

Thanks for your support,

Dan and family

Editor’s note:

You may not know it, but you have an army of microbes living inside of you that are essential for fighting off threats, including the virus that causes COVID-19.

Our bodies are home to more bacterial cells than human ones. These bacteria that live in and on us is called the microbiome. In the gut, the bacteria balance the immune response against pathogens.

Bacteria in our guts can trigger our immune systems to fight off viruses that not only infect the gut, but also those infecting the lungs, such as the flu virus.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet of whole foods that are high in fiber, protein, and minerals will support our gut microbes and help to keep us healthier.


Farm News: Winter 2022


Farm News: Fall 2021