Farm News: Spring 2022
Greeting in the name of our savior. Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I say unto thee, yea must be born again. John 3:5-7
As Jesus explained, making the old person better will not get us to heaven. It takes a new person that is born again in Jesus Christ. This makes me think of spring. The trees that are getting new leaves and the grass that is getting new sprouts. The trees and grass do not bring their old leaves and blades back to life, they die them off and bring on a new life. This is always such an inspiration to me in the spring. Something that looks completely brown and dead, suddenly comes springing back to life as the first rays of warm sunlight start to wake it back up. This is also what happens in our lives if we allow the warm rays of God’s love reach our hearts and accept Jesus as our savior.
Spring is a fun time of year on a farm. We are bringing in calves and getting our farm stocked once again. Our numbers always go down in the winter, then we will fill back up in the spring. Additional cattle we custom graze will also get brought back in the summer to utilize our spring grass. We are hoping to graze about 200 head this season.
Beef sales have been very strong all winter and we are looking to double our production this year, with most of them already spoken for. We will also back off on advertising and focus on what we already have created. I would like to express a hearty thank you to everyone that has made a purchase and recommended us to your friends. We now have an online farm store at FarmMatch so check it out.
We would also recommend anyone interested a whole or half beef this year to get your order in now. Summer and Fall are the best times to order beef, as that is when we have the most available and we can fatten them at a lower price point. In the future, we will probably have a different price in the fall than in the spring to help us offset that a little. As of now, we have lots of wholesale options to sell beef and could sell a lot more than we have. So any beef that are ready to go and not spoken for, will not be around long, so once again get your order in early.
You will notice a price increase on beef and also some other things. Our supply costs do keep going up with everything else, so we have no choice but to follow or go out of business. Also, calves are more expensive this spring with the so called shortage in cattle, therefore the price increase in beef.